3M+ People In 3 Weeks

“Dude I’m sick and tired of sucking at content”

“Would you want to…I dunno…study content or something?”

This was an actual conversation between me and @ryansfigueroa 2 months ago.

At this point I’m losing followers daily and Ryan had 11 followers on his account. (Now 28k+ followers.)

We start studying content daily and we realize something.

Another creator who had just blown up from 0 followers actually started posting twice a day before he blew up his account.

“Dude I think we need to start posting twice a day, should we try it for a whole month in August?”

“I think we have to”

It’s settled, we started scripting as much content as possible and filming to stockpile as much content as we could.

60+ reels in a month is a lot.

We didn’t fully understand what we were in for.

But August 1st came and we began doing it, 2 reels a day.

4 days later…

“Yo Zeke, I think this reel I just posted might pop off.”

It started gaining traction.

Before we knew it we had a formula, and we duplicated it over and over again.

Days later it happened again, but this time it was much faster.

The views started to pick up like crazy.

50k. 100k. 250k.

Then finally…

2,000,000+ views

“Dude this doesn’t even feel real, there is no way”

Somehow against all odds, we did it.

We “cracked the code” on content.

As crazy as it is, it’s not even half as hard as I first thought.

I documented everything we did and exactly how we went viral.

But that’s not all.

I have 5 years of experience in sales, business, & marketing.

I wanted to give all of that to you as well.

So I have built masterclasses and modules sharing exactly how you can not only blow up your account, but turn your content creation journey into your life’s work and generate a full time income from your social media journey.

With well over 3,000,000+ accounts reached and 28k+ followers.

I want to help you replicate the same results by teaching you everything I learned.

If you are ready now.

Click the link below:

I’ll see you inside.