50+ Hours To Find This (3.5 Min)

There is one thing that 99% of people miss about growing on social media.

This is responsible for the growth of almost every creator on the internet. (Yes even the ones you watch.)

But still most people don’t do it.

So they get zero growth in:

  • Their brand

  • Their business

  • Their bank account

The thing that is killing most people is, doing cool stuff.

Not as much punch without a four letter word, but the point remains the same.

Most people never grow on social media because they are boring.

But you can change that far easier than you may think.

So here is exactly how to do it:

1) Pick your project

If you are thinking you need to go to space to “do cool stuff”, that won’t be necessary. (But that would be sick.)

You want to pick a project that is meaningful to your work, but also ridiculous.

For myself and Ryan, it was studying content.


Without fail.

Pretty much forever.

Until we made the choice to do something worth talking about, we didn’t have anything worth talking about.

But that wasn’t for nothing, it was a launching pad for both of building our entire brands and businesses.

So find your brands “launching pad”.

If you have no ideas, here are a few:

  • Build a product

  • Achieve a big goal

  • Solve a big problem

  • Build a lead magnet

  • Research & discovery

  • Post daily for 30+ days

2) Build your project

Now that you know what you are going to do, it’s time to execute.

The actions you take will depend on your project.

I can give you some guidance on how to start.

First, outline a roadmap you want to follow.

For example, when I was at a loss for how to start building my course, I stated by outlining everything someone would need to go from zero knowledge, to content mastery in the shortest time possible.

You can see the 16 lessons here.

By mapping a plan, you can see a birds eye view of everything you need to accomplish or build.

This makes it much easier to execute.

When Ryan and I started studying content, I created a calendar invite with both of us on it so the time was blocked out everyday.

We also started the day we came up with the idea, we didn’t sit around for the “perfect time” to start, or a “new week” or “1st of the month”.

If you are serious about building your brand, you’ll start now.

3) Talk about your project

There is two reasons to do cool stuff.

You do something you wouldn’t have done otherwise, you learn things you wouldn’t have.

Then you get to talk about it and build your brand.

Talking about your brand is what generates the highest leverage in your business.

Start by making a post announcing your project, the details and what people can expect when they follow you along the journey.

This gives people a reason to not just click the follow button, but truly follow what you are doing. (There is a difference.)

These are the people who will become your “1000 true fans”. They love you.

Now that people know, start documenting every part of the journey in real time in the Notion App on your phone.

If you don’t have it yet, download it on your app store.

Every step of the journey, every thought around it, every idea or concept, it all gets written down.

These become lessons learned which turn into pieces of content you share with the world.

Share the ups and downs, wins and struggles. People don’t want sugar coating, they want real.

Now, see the project to completion and talk about it everyday.

You will grow an audience faster than you thought possible.

If you want all the deep knowledge me and Ryan learned growing his account over 30k followers in a month.

Click the link below:

Your friend,

Zeke “do cool stuff” De Smet