Designing Your Life Is Tough

If you are reading this you are likely a friend, client, wanting to grow your personal brand, social media, influence, or you just think I’m cool (you are my favorite).

These letters will be about things I am learning and new discoveries I make regarding sales, marketing, business, personal branding, mental mastery, etc.

  • I won’t bore you with the details, I like writing to be short, easy, and cut the fluff.

  • I also like things to be different, the same is boring.

  • If I misspell things, or my English isn’t great, that’s just me.

Enough of an intro.

Lifestyle design.

Have you considered what you want out of your life?

I mean really think about it.

  • What clothes do you want to wear?

  • How do you want to look?

  • Where do you want to live?

  • What hobbies do you want to do everyday?

  • Do you want to wake up at 4am or 10am? (Or 2pm lol)

  • Do you like deep work for 4 hours a day, or working on and off for 10?

Give yourself the gift of a few minutes or a few hours if you can to consider how you want your life to look.

(When I did this, I realized many things I wanted could be instantly implemented. Like waking up at 4am to build.)

That’s it, most of these letters will be very short and with the goal of inspiring you to think, expand your mind, & build.

They will probably end sooner than expected and they won’t drag on. (This may change, this is my first letter after all.)

Good luck on your journey,


P.S. I would love to hear any questions, thoughts, feedback you have! (At any point you decide you find no value in these letters, please let me know as I would greatly appreciate the feedback and you can unsubscribe anytime.)

Go crush it!