From Job You Hate To Living Your Dreams (Full Roadmap)

October 5th, 2022. 5:35am.

My alarm clock is blaring at me to roll out of my warm bed and leave the comfort of my dreams.

And that is all they are. Dreams of something more fulfilling.

“Wow, I can’t wait to drive into the office and slave away again.”

I’m depressed.

I’m unfulfilled.

I want more.

This is exactly how everything started for me.

I wasn’t handed anything, I was a kid, who hated life on the treadmill of my own doing.

November 2022.

I’m shaking as I grab the handle to my bosses office.

He looks up at me.

“Hey boss, I decided to go a different direction. I’m putting in my 2 weeks notice.”

He said he was sorry to lose me.

I feel validated. Sorta.

That conversation is almost a year ago at the time I’m smashing away at my keyboard typing this.

I wanted to take the opportunity to share a full roadmap of how I went from unfulfilled to living a life blessed and full of enjoyment.

Here’s exactly what I did (and how you can do it better):

1) Invest in a coach

Yes, this is step one. I’m not going to sugar coat anything, straight to achieving your dream life.

No fluff.

I spent two full months floundering around achieving nothing except for realizing I needed help, bad. Or life was about to get a lot tougher.

Before you hire a coach, clarify exactly what you want to do to build your business, I knew that I wanted to build a video production business.

If you don’t know that yet, write all of your skills down on a page and ask yourself these 4 questions:

  • What do I love?

  • What am I good at?

  • What can I get paid for?

  • What does the world need?

The one skill that matches all of those, do that.

Now hiring a coach can be scary, so here’s a guide to finding a coach you can depend on:

First - do a surface level scan of their content and what you can find about them on the internet.

Second - have a conversation with them, the most important things are:

Do you actually like them as a person?

Do they have a unique system or method that stands out to you?

Do you believe and have they shown they can get the results you want?

Hiring a coach is not hard, don’t hesitate and wait around or you won’t get anywhere.

Answer these questions and go with your gut.

When I hired my coach it was for a few reasons:

He was insanely genuine and real.

He actually cared about me and I could tell.

His sales system was the best thing I had ever seen even after 4 years of sales. (I had to learn it.)

Find a coach you love and can get results, and commit.

P.S. the cost of the investment should sting, it should hurt and make you want to cry. This is good. I invested $8000 with zero income. If you don’t believe me, Dakota Robertson did the same thing when he hired Dan Koe as a consultant.

2) Massive action (zero excuses)

You can hire the best coach in the world, Alex Homozi for all I care.

If you don’t take action, your results will look like this:

Wondering why you don’t see anything above?

That’s because those are your results, absolutely nothing.

The reason you want the investment to sting is because it forces you to make that money back.

I spent the next 3 days after the investment consuming every bit of the course content from my coach, I launch my ads within 5 days, and landed my first client within 11 days.

Massive action.

Trust your coach, when they said do it. Be like Nike, just do it.

3) Content & connections

To give you a shortcut on the two most important things to focus on in business, here they are:

  • Content

  • Connections

Your two main roles as a business owner are generating massive amounts of content, and massive amounts of connections.

Content - paid ads, social media content, newsletters, etc.

This is your front end traffic that gets engaged leads into your world.

Connections - engaging leads, networking, call, text, email, social media dm’s, etc.

This is your back end traffic or bottom of funnel activities. How you move people from front end traffic to closed clients and sales.

Your coach will teach you everything to know about the process overall, and how to use your own personal strengths and weaknesses to your own benefit.

That is what a good coach does.

P.S. a good coach will have a multi step program, for example, a course to teach you all the basics and systems. Then 1v1 deep dive calls to provide the nuanced attention required for you to guarantee you see results. This is why courses alone don’t work, they don’t have the nuanced attention that 1v1 does.

This is why my consulting is a three way approach:

  1. Course - teaching you the systems and models to succeed.

  2. 24/7 Access - for all your nuanced questions to add massive clarity for you specifically.

  3. 1v1 Deep Dive Calls - these build massive clarity and direction so you can take the massive action required to actually succeed and see real results.

Here are a few ways I can help you when you are ready:

If you are interested in exploring the option of working together 1v1.

Click the link below & book a call:

If none of those spots work for your, send me a DM @zekedesmet via instagram.

If you just want to grab the course and get started immediately.

Click this link below:

Your friend,

Zeke “your freedom guide” De Smet