Here’s How To Land Clients

When I first started my business I had absolutely no idea how to land any client, much less high ticket clients that paid me $5-10k.

But that all changed when I paid a coach $8000 to learn how, and I’m going to give you everything you need in the next 4 minutes.

So here’s exactly how to land high ticket clients:

1) Your Funnel

The first thing you need is a funnel, but I like to think of this as a 24/7 guide to your customers.

You need something to guide them through your process without you having to constantly do that, this is what calls to action are for (CTA’s).

Here’s the breakdown of your funnel:

  • Free Content

  • Lead Magnet

  • High Ticket Offer

This is how you do each step:

Free Content - Post organic content daily to capture and hold attention so that people have the chance of finding you. (Without this there is a 0% chance they find you.)

Lead Magnet - This is your expertise spit out on a page, and reorganized so that it makes sense. To do this, write everything you know on a page then package it up into an E-Book, Video Masterclass, or Course.

High Ticket Offer - Build your offer around your target audiences pain points and struggles. You do this by listing every pain point down, then solving all of them with your offer. To add some additional persuasion, you can add a risk reversal like, “We will get you to $10k per month in 3 months, or we will work with you until you do.”

Now you have a full funnel breakdown you can use to go implement now.

2) Your Marketing & Sales

Now that you have a funnel in place and an offer built, you need a way to generate traffic to your offer.

This is what the organic content is for, but if you want to shortcut your way to higher reach and authority, you can use paid traffic.

Here’s a few options to try:

  • Google

  • Facebook Ads

  • Boosting Instagram Reels

I am not an expert on paid ads, so I will not give advice around these things outside of my personal experience.

I scaled my agency to over 50k in 3 months with Facebook ads.

Here’s what I did to achieve that:

Spoke to a very targeted market, I said, “Location based target market” at the beginning of my video ad. This caught the attention of a very specific person, who was my ideal client.

Set my CTA as “book a call”, this got qualified leads on my calendar.

I had a discovery call, this was important in building rapport before pitching a high ticket service that was $6000-8000.

Final sales call, on this called I taught my prospects why they actually needed video and even showed them how they could implement it on their own. But they wanted me to do it for them, so then I would pitch my offer.

If they weren’t a good fit, I would tell them that and they appreciated me for telling them and not just trying to make a sale. This builds massive rapport.

Now that you have a system in place, let’s scale.

3) Scaling

Scaling can be done many ways, but the two levers are traffic and delivery.

If you have tons of leads and clients but not the time to deliver, you need to outsource parts of your delivery as needed.

But if you have more time but want to scale your number of leads and clients, you need to up your ad budget, or even hire someone to help build your brand with organic content.

Or you can do more organic content yourself, I teach you exactly how to do that for free here.

Now you have a full roadmap to landing high ticket clients and scaling.

Your Friend,

Zeke “Making You Money” De Smet