Here's Your Next 10K Followers

Going viral sucks.

Here’s what I mean:

When we grew Ryan’s account from 0-50k, we had to reach 5+ million accounts.

That is a ton of people.

We got one single video with 3+ million views and tons of other viral videos.

Most people don’t get that.

You get one video to pop off to 10k, 50k, or even 100k views. But guess what, you only get roughly an average of 1% of those people who ever convert into followers.

So that big 100k video you worked so hard for, will only get you 1000 followers.

Not very life changing.

So why am I telling you this?

It’s because even for Ryan, it wasn’t one video that did it. It was video after video that we got to go viral and do well, and it will be the same for you.

But without creating consistently good content, you won’t get even the first video.

So here’s exactly how to get your first viral video:

1) What, Why, How

The framework of your video is the most important piece to going viral.


Because no structure won’t keep your viewer hooked, so they will lose interest, which tells instagram your video sucks, and your views will be capped.

Quick algorithm breakdown:

  • You post a video.

  • Your video gets pushed to a small group of your followers.

  • Instagram gauges how well they enjoy it and then pushes it to a group of new people.

  • Instagram keeps repeating this process over and over as long as the video is performing very well and doesn’t loose traction.

This is a hyper simplified version and it’s all you need to consider.

This is why who your followers are is so important. (We will get to this in a bit.)

So to keep your target audience engaged, you need a framework.

Here’s how it’s structured:

  1. What is the context of the video? (First 3 seconds)

  2. Why does it matter to the viewer? (Next 2-3 seconds)

  3. How can they achieve what was promised in the “what”? (Rest of the video)

To boost the retention on a video, you can add twists, surprises, and foreshadowing people aren’t expecting along the way.

For example, “I finally got my first viral video, but it was nothing like I thought it would be.”

This up and down motion of moving your viewer one way, and then another story telling at it’s finest. All great films and stories do this. Why not you?

2) Color + Brightness

Shifting into the more technical side, color and brightness matter more than you think.

Research shows that people who pump up these two aspects of their videos get more views than those who don’t.

I have seen this be the difference between 100k views and 1m views.

If you feel like it’s already good, just juice it up by another 5-10% and experiment to see your results.

Humans just gravitate towards things that hit our dopamine hard, color and high brightness just do it well.

3) Account

Remember when I said we will get to who your followers are and why that matters?

Here’s why:

If instagram pushes your videos to a small group of your followers and they are bots, guess what happens?


Your video will guaranteed get zero reach and that will be the case for every video.

This is exactly why I faced a very hard decision.

I had spent countless time, effort, and money building my first instagram account.

So the decision to abandon it and start completely from scratch was scary.

I am not telling you to do this, but I will tell you why I did it and what results I have gotten.

I started my new account because my reach was completely dead on my old account, even with more followers it wasn’t reaching anyone new.

My followers were all friends and family since I turned my old personal account into a business one.

Since starting my new account I reach tons of new followers almost every video, I have already gained over 500 followers in the last 6 weeks and I just had a video start doing really well and is on it’s way to 20k views.

This never happened on my old account.

I am not telling you to quit your old account, but if you are trying to make a personal account work and you aren’t getting the results you want, you may consider it.

Above are the three key ingredients you need to gain your next 10k followers in 3-6 months. (Of course there is a ton more details I can’t cover here.)

Which is why you might be interested in the cohort Ryan and I are running teaching you everything you need to gain 10k followers in the next 3-6 months.

If you are ready to take the next step, click here:

Your friend,

Zeke “Juicy Brightness” De Smet