How To Become High Value

I wouldn’t trade my skills for 100k followers right now.

That is not supposed to be some cocky remark, because even if I had the followers I would only lose them because I have no idea how to engage them.

I wouldn’t convert them into sales and make money because I don’t know how to market and sell.

Followers would be pointless to me.

High value skills are what bridges the gap between creators that make no money and those that make 6 to 7 figures per year.

I spent $20,000 this year alone on mentorships, consulting, courses, and cohorts to learn everything I know about content, sales, marketing, branding, writing, and all the other nuanced skills needed to do this full time.

If you want to gain access to $20k in self education for $147, click here:

Here’s the breakdown of how you can acquire these skills for yourself:

1) You Teach You

Self education is one of the most beautiful things about todays creator economy.

You have access to limitless knowledge at your fingertips, and you can teach yourself everything you need to know.

So what are the pros and cons?


  • Free

  • Your Own Pace

  • Accessible To Anyone


  • No Structure

  • No Guarantees

  • No Accountability

  • Large Time Investment

The most important thing when self educating is taking massive action and learning by doing.

You have no one to tell you if you are wasting time doing the wrong thing, so you have to experience it and then iterate and try again.

Gaining even a slight level of mastery in one skill can take up to 6-12 months, if you are serious about creating change in your life and learning skills, you’ll take action now.

2) Mentors Teach You

Having a mentor is one of the most undervalued things in our society today.

Having had multiple, I can speak from experience.

Mentors crush your own self doubt and force results upon you, it’s the ultimate cheat code to achieving your dreams.

Here are the pros and cons to mentors:


  • Clarity

  • Real Results

  • Accountability

  • Network & Access

  • Save Years Of Time

  • Real Time Feedback

  • Structured Roadmap


  • Financial Investment

I tried thinking of more cons, but having invested $20k into mentoring myself I can genuinely say that is the only con I can think of.

To answer the title of this letter, the way to become high value and make a lot of money is by acquiring high value skills.

Something of value you can offer to the marketplace in exchange for a lot of money.

If you are serious about building freedom in your life and want to become unrecognizable in 2024, then you should check out our live cohort here:

This is where we will teach you everything you need to know to become a high value creator (The one that makes a lot of money.) Ryan will also teach you how to go viral and gain 10-50k followers as well.

With any questions regarding the cohort, please feel free to reply to this email.

We will see you inside!

Your friend,

Zeke “Your Mentor Dood” De Smet