How To Build Your Brand

Most people have no idea what a brand is.

They may think it’s:

  • A Bio

  • A Logo

  • A Profile Photo

While all of those things are part of a brand, it’s much more.

A strong brand is the difference between charging $10,000 and $100 for the “same” product.

So how do you build the brand that charges $10k?

Here’s a 3.5 minute summary to gain clarity:

1) Your Character

Just like a video game you need to pick your character.

Who are you now?

Who is your “max level” character?

This isn’t just applicable in a personal brand, this can be applied to any person or business.

Essentially, what do you want your ultimate brand, business, & life to look like?

Spend 30-60 minutes writing out every aspect of these three things.

Without knowing what your “max” character looks like, how can you strive to be that person?

Define your lifestyle, your skills, & your perspectives.

Next, start sharing those ideas with the world, this is the beginning of your brand as a whole.

Now that you know who your ideal character is, you can consult your “higher self” to make decisions today, and gain clarity on your target, which is the next step.

2) Your Target

Same as a video game, you have an ultimate target.

Unlock every skill

Beat the final boss

Reach the max level

Just as you need to know your “highest self” or “max level”, you need to know your end target.

This could be in any or all of these categories:

  • Health

  • Wealth

  • Happiness

  • Relationships

I am currently aiming to master wealth and happiness. (This reflects in my brand and business.)

My goal is to gain financial freedom so I can move down the coast and surf for 3-6 months.

Me sharing that with you, builds my brand.

I say that to give clarity on your path to brand building.

We live in a world that takes a more holistic approach, builds connections, and relates.

So every piece of your content, brand, & offers is what moves people in your audience from point A to point B.

This is how you make money and grow an audience.

People follow you for your massive, ultimate goal.

Now the final piece.

3) Your Path

You know your character and your target.

Now you just need the means to get from point A to point B.

This is your personal path.

For example, someone looking to build wealth may try:

  • Video Editing

  • Dropshipping

  • Website Design

  • Email Marketing

  • Social Media Management

But these are all different paths to the same end result.

Financial freedom.

You have to pick from your specific interests and curiosities.

While you learn your specific skill, you should be studying and learning these two core skills to make money:

  1. Sales

  2. Marketing

Without knowing how to persuade and communicate effectively, you will not be able to make money.

This is the reason I was able to make $50k in 3-4 months selling video production.

Because I was able to communicate the value of video in someones business.

To sum everything up, spend 1-2 hours dialing in:

  • Your Character

  • Your Target

  • Your Path

These three things make up your brand as a whole, because you will be documenting and sharing everything as you learn.

Take this information and take action to gain clarity.

Without action this information is useless to you.

When you are ready, here are a few ways I can help you:

  • 1v1 Consulting - 8 Weeks Of Intensive Brand & Business Building

  • The Art Of Content Curriculum - Master Content In The Shortest Time Possible

For consulting, book an inquiry call by clicking the link below:

To master content, click the link below:

Much love, and peace.

Your friend,

Zeke “Aiming To Reach Max Level” De Smet