How To Quit Your Job

Get out of your chair, walk to your bosses office, say “I quit”.

I’m kidding (sorta), that is the final step.

I quit my job 346 days ago and since then have been fortunate to:

  • Scale a video agency over $50k in sales within 3 months.

  • Pivot to a consulting business model so that I can have location freedom.

  • Help multiple people go viral and scale their audiences.

That all sounds great on paper, but believe me I’m not bragging. This has been the most stressful year of my life and its 100% due to financial stress.

Not having a guaranteed paycheck is something most people can’t handle and it is freaking hard.

I just think slaving away at a job is harder.

So if you want to quit your job (the right way), do this:

1) Set A Date

The first step is to set a date.

That could be:

  • 3 Months

  • 6 Months

  • 12 Months

Pick a time frame you are comfortable with, just know you are just as likely to do it in 3 months as you are in 12.

Time is just an illusion for what we believe is possible.

2) Build Your Brand

Next you need to start building your personal brand immediately.

Building a brand and developing skills takes time, and it’s a whole lot better to do it on the side of your job than doing it when you have no income.

Here’s how to build your brand:

  1. Start a brand new Instagram account

  2. Your bio can be, “Helping X people achieve Y result in Z time.”

  3. Clean and visible profile photo

  4. Now start sharing your journey in your content

  5. Talk about your goals, what you are learning, personal experiences, and helpful insights to others on a similar path

Your growth will be tiny in the beginning, it will feel like no one is watching and no one cares.

This is why you start now, not when you quit your job.

There is a massive learning curve when building your brand, and without any outside help you just have to learn by massive quantity and endurance.

This will be the bulk of your journey, the next steps can happen fast, but a brand isn’t built overnight.

3) Build Your Offer

Once you get to 1000+ followers you can build an offer. (Guideline not a rule.)

You are going to be offering a skill you have to the marketplace.

This is why you build an audience, now you can market that skill to them.

Here’s how to build a simple offer:

  1. What is the minimum result I will achieve for my client?

  2. What will I charge in exchange for achieving that result for them?

  3. How can I minimize risk to my client? (If we don’t achieve this result I will work with you until you do.)

Now that you have an offer, here’s how you sell it:

  • Network 1 on 1 with people in the DM’s.

  • Just be a human when connecting, don’t try to sell immediately.

  • Ask about their goals.

  • Ask what is stopping them from getting to their goals.

  • If your offer is a good fit, you can now ask to explore the option of working together.

Do not pitch someone who you know isn’t a good fit, you will lost rapport.

4) Build Your Revenue

Now you need to bring on enough clients to replace your current income.

You do this by networking with a ton of people and pitching enough people so that the numbers work.

Sales isn’t all about skill, it’s just matchmaking your ideal client with your ideal offer.

Approach it with that mindset and for every “No” you get, simply move to the next prospect.

5) Commit

The final step is to commit, no fluff.

Up until this point you have:

  • Built your brand

  • Built your offer

  • Built your list of clients

This is why we set a date for you in the beginning.

It adds urgency and a real calendar day when you get out of your chair, walk to your bosses office, and say “I quit”.

You will feel nervous, scared, and excited. This is normal.

Now do it.

And if you are just reading this, I want you to close your eyes and picture that moment.

  • How does it feel?

  • What emotions do you have?

  • What thoughts do you have?

Make it reality.

It took me almost a full year to finally decide to quit, and I wish I had someone to show me these steps when I started thinking about it.

If you don’t follow them now, it’s likely you will still be there in 12 months and won’t have done any of these steps to build your own freedom.

If you want to shortcut learning all the skills needed to make this a reality in the next 3-6 months.

Click the link below:

Your friend,

Zeke “I’m so happy I quit my job” De Smet