Life is a Game (Here’s How to Win)

I recently wondered, “how much of my life happens on autopilot?”

I wake up. Make coffee. Write. Eat breakfast. Work. Workout. Eat again. Work. Eat. Sleep.

Wow, very exciting life. (Haha.)

So I question:

  • What can I do different?

  • Should I do anything different?

  • Is what I am doing every moment of everyday conducive to my goals?

  • Can I be more efficient with my work blocks?

  • Should I work more? Less?

I ask questions so that my subconscious mind can search for answers.

Most people never ask.

Most people’s entire life is one giant habit:

“A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.”

They never think to question what they are doing.

Ask a co-worker, friend, or family member how they ended up in the career path they are on or how they got to where they in this exact moment in their life.

They probably can’t tell you. (Not the case for everyone.)

That’s scary.

“How many years have to roll by before I wake up?”

The core problem our society faces is “unconsciousness”.

Here are some folks enjoying the rat race. Looks pretty fun huh?

(Forgive my tonality in this letter, I just hate seeing people trapped without an escape. My whole mission is to help people become conscious of situations they don’t want to be in, so they can live how they want to live.)

How do most people go through life?

Most people do what their parents (role model’s) do:

  • If your role model went to college and works a 9-5 job. So will you.

  • If your role model is an ambitious entrepreneur and built a business. So will you.

  • If your role model works odd jobs and hops around. So will you.

Nothing I say is concrete, this is a natural concept and idea.

We tend to repeat what those before us did.

So what is wrong with this approach?

Nothing is wrong with it, if you are genuinely bubbling with happiness.

But most people aren’t.

Why doesn't the traditional path work?

The standard route of college and a 9-5 job doesn’t work because it doesn’t allow you to explore your innate curiosities.

If you “zoom-out” (something most people don’t do), we have evolved from the Dark Ages. People have different problems now, back then children had a 50% chance of surviving past age 1. Now kids seem like they are getting their own smartphones by age 1. (The collective consciousness has been raised, and we face different struggles.)

Humans got from that stage, to where we are now because people explored their own ideas, thoughts, & curiosities.

Without exploring your interests, it’s hard to be happy and fulfilled doing what someone else tells you to do.

The road from where you are now to where you want to be, will not be a linear one:

You may have to work jobs that you hate to make ends meet while you build your business on the side.

You may have to be scrappy and cut expenses wherever you can, so that you can invest in education.

Whatever your journey is, I guarantee it will be worth it.

“You’re either working to escape, or working for the rest of your life.” -Dan Koe

What would I do if I had to restart?

I would start by learning one high value online skill, for example:

  • Graphic Design

  • Writing

  • Audience Building

  • Animation

  • Marketing

  • Sales

There are many more options these are just a few.

As I was learning and mastering that skill, I would share my journey online. I would pick 1 or 2 social media platforms to focus on (3+ is too many).

I would learn to master my one skill over 3-6 months depending on how quickly I can learn it.

Along the way, you should see some good growth in your following on social media giving you some form of authority or brand (this does not have to be big at all).

I would begin engaging with my audience and learning what their needs are. (This will help shape your offer.)

Once you have a grasp of what needs are in the market, develop a very strong offer. There are tons of resources on how to do this, best of all being Alex Hormozi’s free course on his website here.

Now I’d prospect & build relationships on social media organically. This will take time, effort, & energy to do right. (Sending voice notes to convey your message is the most organic way and eliminates the need for a sales call most times.)

When I get someone highly interested and they want to work with me, I would send them my offer and ask if they would like to get rolling. (Very important to ask for the sale.)

Selling is tough and I’d expect to get rejected a ton, but eventually I would land my first client. (Start at no less than $500-1000 per month.)

I would celebrate the win, and then continue prospecting daily to build my number of clients.

Once I have built up 5-10 recurring clients I would really lean into my personal brand (this is how you scale).

Building your brand is so important because you can sell digital products, start consulting others to achieve what you did, & spend your time building what you love.

Here is a recap of the steps:

This is not only achievable, but you can accomplish this in the next 6-12 months. (This is if you don’t already have a skill to offer.)

I was able to build my business to over $50k in sales within a few months, and the #1 reason is because I invested in a coach to show me how.

If you want to learn exactly how I did this & be coached to massively speed up the process, you can send me a DM here (as long as you don’t just say “hey” lol).

What should you do now, if you want to build a business?

You should start by evaluating yourself:

  • What skills and knowledge do you already have?

  • What is your current situation?

  • Are you trying to run towards something you want or away from something you don’t?

Lead your mind down a path of questions to self discover where you are.

Once you have answers and you are aware of your situation and motives, you can act with intention.

If you do want to build a one person business and already have a skill, start sharing on social media immediately. (There are other ways to get clients, I used paid ads to scale very fast.)

Follow the path I recommend above and you will see results.

The key is to move at a sustainable pace and ensure it’s something you want for the long term.

Building a business doesn’t happen overnight, begin thinking of your dream goals in terms of 1, 2, & 5+ years away.

I am so excited for your path ahead, whatever you choose.

If you want my help getting there shoot me a message here.

Your “Star Wars-loving” friend,


P.S. You can listen to me talk about these same subjects on my YouTube channel here: