These Determine Your Future

12 months ago I was trapped in a job I hated.

My trajectory looked like this:

  • Continue working in the same company with no direction or clear path upwards

  • Build a 401k

  • Hope for my life that I have enough when I retire

I wish this was just me, but it’s not.

95% of people are on this path.

So how do you zoom out and evaluate your current situation to determine your trajectory?

There are three things to evaluate:

1) Your Past

Your past plays a bigger roll than most people think.

My family did not have money growing up, we were broke and had to get food from the local food bank.

We never went out to eat.

We were just trying to get by.

This fueled a fire under me and drove me to make the decisions I’ve made so that I could build financial freedom in my life.

So what about you?

Ask yourself what values you hold around money, are they helping or hurting you?

You can’t change the past, but you can use it.

Lean into your past and your story, let it give you an unfair advantage you wouldn’t have otherwise.

2) Your Path

Your current trajectory is the second factor that will determine your life’s outcome.

You’ve probably heard the analogy before, an airplane that takes off just a few degrees off course will end up on the opposite side of a country over a long enough flight.

This is the same for your path.

It’s important to evaluate your current situation, and then build your ideal life.

Then you need to make sure that your path and your goals are in alignment with each other.

For example, if you want to be fit, but you are only allotting yourself 15 minutes per week to workout.

Your current actions aren’t aligning with your current goals.

This means you have to either change your actions or your goals.

So spend some time writing a game plan.

Think about these areas:

  • Health

  • Wealth

  • Relationships

These are key factors that play into our happiness.

Align your actions with your goals and then move to step three.

3) Your Persistence

Your ability to persist is what ultimately sets you apart from 99.9% of the population.

All the big creators, successful business owners, and even top athletes are the ones who never gave up when everyone else around them did.

Your ability to persist under stress when everything feels like it’s falling apart will ultimately be the reason you make it.

I don’t talk about my personal life much, but I have been under lots of stress most of this year. (That is actually why I’ve started cold plunging into the ocean, my stress levels have been at their lowest with the cold therapy.)

I went from making $10-20k per month to completely cutting off my income all together so that I could shift into alignment with my goals.

That decision was hard, it felt like quitting my job all over again.

But I would never take it back.

The decision to become a full time brand consultant and creator was one of the best choices I ever made.

I have invested just under $20,000 this year into coaching, mentoring, cohorts, and courses.

But if you want to learn everything that has taken me an entire painfully stressful year to learn for a few hundred bucks in me and Ryan’s live cohort.

Click the link below:

Your Friend,

Zeke “Not Having Freedom Sucks” De Smet