Who You Become Is Everything

I’m scared as hell I’ll fail.

That fear still grips me to this day even if my friends and family tell me I’m “doing so good for my age”.

No matter how much money I have in my bank account, how stressed I am, how things seem to be going.

There is one thing I am trying to drill into myself.

“Who I become is all that matters.”

If I lost it all today, my lifestyle, my money, my house and car.

All that would remain is me.

So who do I want “me” to be?

  • How driven am I?

  • How patient am I?

  • What do I believe in?

  • What skills do I have?

  • What values do I hold?

  • How do I treat people?

  • How self confident am I?

  • How tolerant am I to risk?

If I can be the me that I want to be, how can I lose?

That means no matter what happens, I will always be okay.

I know this may be a short letter, but I hope me writing to myself adds some clarity and perspective in your own life.

Your friend,

Zeke “The Introspective Kid” De Smet