Your Path To Autonomy (Guide)

Most people are completely unaware of the “new economy” that is emerging.

It’s an economy of “creators” or “value creators” and it’s becoming more common by the day.

But for now it remains just a small pocket of the internet of people who just, get it.

What’s interesting about the creator economy is that we are all innately “creators”.

Throughout our lives we build skills, write, communicate, build projects, and do things we are passionate about and bring us fulfillment and enjoyment.

Most people stop short of making it their full time career and life’s work to pursue those things.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s a cheatsheet on how to do anything you want, and make a very generous income doing so:

1) The rule of reciprocity

The path to pursing your passions and making a full time income begins with giving everything you have away for free.

I know it seems counter intuitive, but like Mando says, “this is the way.”

We do this for a few reasons:

  1. Reciprocity in simple terms - if I give you something then you feel the natural desire to give me something back.

  2. Building an audience - this is our front-end traffic or top of funnel, every follower is a lead.

  3. Show our expertise - demonstrate our knowledge and skillset we have developed over time.

The entire goal for step number one is to build a brand, audience, and authority in our space.

If you want to learn exactly how to do this, click the link below:

Here’s the summary of steps:

  • Post content daily sharing your journey

  • Talk about your projects, ideas, & passions

  • Network like crazy (DM 3-5 people per day to make new connections)

Now you know how to generate traffic organically.

On to making income.

2) Teaching others

You will quickly see traction by consistently posting content, sharing, and networking.

People will notice you.

What happens when people notice you, is they want to do what you do.

Most people who look up to people, ultimately just want their lifestyle. They want to escape their current reality.

So, you can meet that need in your audience by offering to teach them all the skills you have learned along your journey in exchange for money.

This is perceived as valuable because they shortcut all the pitfalls, mistakes, and time it took you to achieve the same results.

Here’s the fastest way to monetize your audience:

  1. Sign up for Carrd. Here is the link:

  2. Build a simple landing page explaining the results they can expect working with you

  3. Title your offer “From clueless to ____ expert in 60 minutes”

  4. Now set up Calendly for free. Here is the link:

  5. Set up a simple booking page and allow people to book in calls

Now that you have all of that built, which you can do in under 2 hours.

Charge $150 per hour as a consulting fee.

You should have tons of authority and connections from networking, start promoting it everywhere to your audience and especially in your 1 on 1 communication for anyone who wants your help.

This is just the beginning.

3) Building products

Now that you have started teaching others your skillset, tools, and systems.

Constantly be iterating on what you teach to get your clients faster and better results.

Once you are getting amazing results, raise your prices for consulting.

Then start building products to add new streams of income into your business.

If you are building digital products, here are some examples:

  • e-Books

  • Masterclasses

  • Notions templates

  • Plug-ins and presets

  • Courses and programs

These digital products can be packaged with your consulting services so you can charge more, and get your clients even better results.

Now you can start charging $2k+ for 4 weeks of consulting and add on your free digital products as bonuses.

You can also create bigger offers, for example $5k for 12 weeks of consulting. If you want detailed instruction on how to create your undeniable offer. Click the link below:

You now have a guide to take you from 0-$10k per month and beyond in the next 6-12 months.

It all starts with master content, generating massive authority, and a strong brand.

If you want all the information and tools to get you started, click the link below:

Your friend,

Zeke “making you more money” De Smet